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Forum Posts
Kevin Krulewitch
Jun 09, 2021
In Updates & Discussion Board
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 8, 2021 Ensley Rising Day to Launch Local Community’s Redevelopment of Historic Downtown Ensley District Developers, LLC will host Ensley Rising Day, a community celebration and construction kick-off for Ensley’s newest community development effort, the historic Ramsay-McCormack building site Saturday, June 12. Community residents, business owners, and neighborhood leaders will gather from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Avenue E and 19th Street to share personal stories, provide input, and hear details about additional community engagement opportunities around the new development. “We need input from everyone,” said Irvin Henderson, former chair of the National Trust Community Investment Corporation, and principal of Henderson & Company, a lead partner of Ensley District Developers. Henderson, alongside partners Direct Invest Development, is thrilled to host the community celebration day, “It has been energizing to hear from so many Ensley residents and friends over the past months whose input is reflected in the release of the Ensley Redevelopment plan during Ensley Rising Day.” Despite the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, Irvin and his team have met with hundreds of stakeholders over the past five months via Zoom. "We’re so grateful to finally be gathering in person to celebrate the future and possibilities this new development will create for the Ensley community," said Irvin. Attendees will enjoy live entertainment, free food, and family-friendly activities including face-painting and a “design your own mural” coloring station. “We hope the whole neighborhood comes out,” said Llevelyn Rhone, project manager for the new Ramsay-McCormack building. “The merchants and business owners in the immediate vicinity have been incredibly patient throughout the demolition phase and continually express their excitement of new development in downtown Ensley. We are proud to have those merchants joining the celebration, promoting their products and services.” "Transitioning from the demolition to construction of a new Ramsay-McCormack building is an important milestone in the redevelopment of Ensley," said Mayor Randall Woodfin, who will be joining the celebration and giving remarks. "The $4 million investment in Ramsay-McCormack is anchoring our revitalization strategy for downtown Ensley and is only the beginning of this historic neighborhood's restoration." Mayor Woodfin will be joined by District 9 Councilor John Hillard from the Birmingham City Council, George McCall of the Ensley Neighborhood Council, Coreata’ Houser with the City of Birmingham, A.G. Callins, former chair of the Ensley Merchants Association, and Janet Maycock of the Ensley Entertainment District. “As a part of the City of Birmingham’s commitment to its neighborhoods we are pleased to partner with developers like Ensley District Developers who are committed to creating vibrant and thriving communities,” Houser said. In addition to Ramsay-McCormack, an affiliate of EDD, Historic District Developers, is leading the redevelopment of the Masonic Temple on 4th Avenue. “Revitalization of these historic landmarks is indicative of our future, respectful of our rich past, and demonstrates a commitment to increased economic opportunities,” Houser added. Learn more at
Kevin Krulewitch
Jun 09, 2021
In Community Meetings
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE June 8, 2021 Ensley Rising Day to Launch Local Community’s Redevelopment of Historic Downtown Ensley District Developers, LLC will host Ensley Rising Day, a community celebration and construction kick-off for Ensley’s newest community development effort, the historic Ramsay-McCormack building site Saturday, June 12. Community residents, business owners, and neighborhood leaders will gather from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Avenue E and 19th Street to share personal stories, provide input, and hear details about additional community engagement opportunities around the new development. “We need input from everyone,” said Irvin Henderson, former chair of the National Trust Community Investment Corporation, and principal of Henderson & Company, a lead partner of Ensley District Developers. Henderson, alongside partners Direct Invest Development, is thrilled to host the community celebration day, “It has been energizing to hear from so many Ensley residents and friends over the past months whose input is reflected in the release of the Ensley Redevelopment plan during Ensley Rising Day.” Despite the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, Irvin and his team have met with hundreds of stakeholders over the past five months via Zoom. "We’re so grateful to finally be gathering in person to celebrate the future and possibilities this new development will create for the Ensley community," said Irvin. Attendees will enjoy live entertainment, free food, and family-friendly activities including face-painting and a “design your own mural” coloring station. “We hope the whole neighborhood comes out,” said Llevelyn Rhone, project manager for the new Ramsay-McCormack building. “The merchants and business owners in the immediate vicinity have been incredibly patient throughout the demolition phase and continually express their excitement of new development in downtown Ensley. We are proud to have those merchants joining the celebration, promoting their products and services.” "Transitioning from the demolition to construction of a new Ramsay-McCormack building is an important milestone in the redevelopment of Ensley," said Mayor Randall Woodfin, who will be joining the celebration and giving remarks. "The $4 million investment in Ramsay-McCormack is anchoring our revitalization strategy for downtown Ensley and is only the beginning of this historic neighborhood's restoration." Mayor Woodfin will be joined by District 9 Councilor John Hillard from the Birmingham City Council, George McCall of the Ensley Neighborhood Council, Coreata’ Houser with the City of Birmingham, A.G. Callins, former chair of the Ensley Merchants Association, and Janet Maycock of the Ensley Entertainment District. “As a part of the City of Birmingham’s commitment to its neighborhoods we are pleased to partner with developers like Ensley District Developers who are committed to creating vibrant and thriving communities,” Houser said. In addition to Ramsay-McCormack, an affiliate of EDD, Historic District Developers, is leading the redevelopment of the Masonic Temple on 4th Avenue. “Revitalization of these historic landmarks is indicative of our future, respectful of our rich past, and demonstrates a commitment to increased economic opportunities,” Houser added. Learn more at
Kevin Krulewitch
Mar 26, 2021
In Community Meetings
Please join us for our upcoming Community Engagement Meeting on Saturday, April 10th at 11AM CT. Irvin Henderson is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Saturday 4/10 at 11:00am CST Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 824 4984 5134
Passcode: 716881
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+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Meeting ID: 824 4984 5134
Passcode: 716881
Kevin Krulewitch
Feb 15, 2021
In Community Meetings
Couldn't make our February Community Engagement Meeting? No problem! See here for a link to our recording, and save the date for our upcoming session on March 6th at 2PM Central Time.
Kevin Krulewitch
Feb 15, 2021
In Community Meetings
Join us on Saturday, March 6th at 2:00PM Central Time for our next Community Engagement Meeting! Zoom details to come.
Kevin Krulewitch
Feb 15, 2021
In Updates & Discussion Board
Check out this great article from one of our Principals, Irvin Henderson, who was a former National Trust Community Investment Corporation's past Chairman and current industry leader.
Kevin Krulewitch
Dec 30, 2020
In Updates & Discussion Board
Are you interested in learning about Community Development Opportunities in Ensley? Want to learn more about best practices from Banking and Community Development professionals? Join our Community Banking Meeting on Thursday, January 7th from 9am - 11am Central Time. (Find the meeting info here) Tell us about how you have been looking for opportunities to strengthen your business!
Kevin Krulewitch
Dec 30, 2020
In Updates & Discussion Board
Join us to learn more about community development opportunities - including hearing from a regulatory panel on best practices and opportunities for community development. Thursday, January 7, 2021 9am - 11am Central Time Click here for agenda or see attached. Click to Join Us via Zoom. Zoom Meeting Info: Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 857 1484 0079 Passcode: 878133 One tap mobile +13126266799,,85714840079#,,,,,,0#,,878133# US (Chicago) +19292056099,,85714840079#,,,,,,0#,,878133# US (New York) Dial by your location +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington D.C) +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) Meeting ID: 857 1484 0079 Passcode: 878133 Find your local number:
Kevin Krulewitch
Dec 22, 2020
In Updates & Discussion Board
Ensley District Developers are looking for qualified trade workers to join our Team and support the Ramsay McCormack Building Site project. We are particularly looking for the following trade skills/vendor partners: Office & Storage Trailer rental Drawing Reproduction Equipment Rental Perimeter and Building Signage and Graphics Safety Equipment Construction Lighting Safety Rails and Barricades Site Cleanup Dumpsters Temporary Project Labor Are you interested? Please submit resume and a brief statement of work interest and experience via email to:
Kevin Krulewitch
Dec 22, 2020
In Community Meetings
Thank you for your interest in our upcoming Community Engagement Meeting on Saturday, January 9, 2021 at 2:00pm Central Time. Please see and click below for Zoom details to join the meeting. Join Zoom Meeting: Meeting ID: 883 6045 3735
Passcode: 582735
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+19292056099,,88360453735#,,,,,,0#,,582735# US (New York)
+13017158592,,88360453735#,,,,,,0#,,582735# US (Washington D.C)Dial by your location
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington D.C)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
Meeting ID: 883 6045 3735
Passcode: 582735
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Kevin Krulewitch
Dec 04, 2020
In Updates & Discussion Board
Some images of our Team's recent progress. On to #EnsleyRising!! What's your #EnsleyRising story??
Kevin Krulewitch
Nov 21, 2020
In Community Meetings
Saturday, December 5th, 2020 2:00pm - 3:30pm Central Time via Zoom Irvin Henderson is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 874 2698 9968
Passcode: 507577
One tap mobile
+19292056099,,87426989968#,,,,,,0#,,507577# US (New York)
+13017158592,,87426989968#,,,,,,0#,,507577# US (Washington D.C) Dial by your location
+1 929 205 6099 US (New York)
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington D.C)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
Meeting ID: 874 2698 9968
Passcode: 507577
Find your local number:
Kevin Krulewitch
Nov 21, 2020
In Updates & Discussion Board
October 1, 2020 – The City of Birmingham’s Community Development Department has launched a pilot incentive program to improve the facades of buildings within priority redevelopment areas. The program is designed to enhance the front appearance of buildings to increase property values, improve the marketability of space within the buildings and draw additional business and foot traffic to the area. The Community Development Department has identified nine priority redevelopment areas. Those areas are: Ensley Commercial Business District Fourth Avenue Business District North Birmingham Commercial District Eighth Avenue Business District Lomb-Tuscaloosa Avenue Commercial District Downtown West Commercial District Portions of the Downtown Northwest Commercial District Portions of Woodlawn Commercial District Portions of East Lake Commercial District To learn more, visit the City of Birmingham site here!
Kevin Krulewitch
Nov 21, 2020
In Updates & Discussion Board
Post or comment here to tell us more about your business or organization's services!
Kevin Krulewitch
Nov 21, 2020
In Updates & Discussion Board
Two tenants have already publicly committed to leasing space in the completed Ramsay McCormack Building Site project. Innovation Depot, which has a long history of accelerating the growth and development of tech firms, will bring workers to the area. Also, Birmingham Promise, the scholarship and apprenticeship program for Birmingham City Schools students, will have its headquarters in the building, too. The addition of these organizations will not only increase foot traffic in the area but also expand support to new businesses and existing businesses in the area. Such a combination provides an ideal growing ground for the area to serve as a logistics hub, wrapped in an entertainment district.
Kevin Krulewitch
Nov 21, 2020
In Updates & Discussion Board
Read about our latest news on the Ramsay McCormack Building Site construction progress
Kevin Krulewitch
Nov 21, 2020
In Updates & Discussion Board
Join this Community Discussion Board to stay up-to-date on recent news and happenings around our Ensley Rising community development projects. We will post Communiques, Community Engagement Meeting info, construction photos, stories, and questions for your input through this online forum portal. We want to here from you! Please share your #EnsleyRising stories, express your interest in joining our projects as a vendor or business partner, share news about great things going on in the neighborhood that others should know about, or simply ask a question you've been wondering about. Our Team will review this board weekly, and we will respond back to your questions and comments as soon as we can. #EnsleyRising #community #forum #discussionboard
Kevin Krulewitch
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